从2009年至今,郑州BRT二环线已经开通5年,客流量从最初每日6万人次增长到29万人次,运营车辆也从65辆激增至131辆,整条线路的承载能力几乎达到饱和.为满足市民的出行需求,郑州快速公交公司又于2014年6月26日开通了BRT 3号线,并引进140辆18 m新能源铰接车投入运营,以此来分担二环线与日俱增的交通压力.近日,《商用汽车》记者再次来到郑州,针对新线路的运营和车辆的使用情况进行了实地调查.
BRT Line 3 was officially opened on trial operation on June 26.2014 in Zhengzhou,Henan province with total of 140 sets Yutong hybrid-power Public Buses of 18-meter in length.To have the first hand information of operation and usages,reporter of <Commercial Vehicle>magazine paid a special trip to Zhengzhou to conduct a field research on this newly operated BRT Line 3.
Commercial Vehicle