
转化医学的发展困境及模式探讨 被引量:9

Development Dilemma and Mode Exploration of Translational Medicine
摘要 转化医学发展的最终目的是提高总体医疗水平、满足患者的健康需要、提高全人类的健康水平,其符合科学发展规律,成为一种新的医学发展模式。尽管全球的转化医学研究取得较大进展,但是转化医学也面临着前所未有的挑战,存在着诸多阻碍转化医学发展的障碍。因此,需要改变传统医学研究模式,建立转化医学中心,促进转化医学运行机制优化。 The ultimate aim of translationel medicine is to improve the overall medicine.level to satisfy the health need of patients, and to improve the health level of the whole world. Translational medicine becomes a new kind of medical science model. Despite there are great progress and success of global translational medicine, translational medicine research is faced with unprecedented challenges. There are a lot of obstacles hindering the development of translational medicine. Therefore, the traditional mode of medical research needs to be changed, and translational medicine center needs to be established to promote the optimization of the operation mechanism of translational medicine.
出处 《中国医院管理》 2014年第10期63-64,共2页 Chinese Hospital Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71233008 71303248) 第二军医大学青年启动基金项目(2012QN09)
关键词 转化医学 转化研究 模式 translational medicine, translational research, mode
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