

Application Analysis of Precipitation for Surface Water Resources Evaluation in Changji Area
摘要 以昌吉市为研究对象,采用可靠长系列资料,用地表水资源评价方法对昌吉市地区进行降水量的分析,得到降水量年内分配和面雨量分布等评价成果,提出研究区内降水量的时空分布特征及降水量丰枯水年的界定量值,旨在为研究区未来的水资源合理规划及优化配置提供一定的决策参考。 Taking Changji city as the research object,using reliable long series data,precipitation is analyzed by surface water resources evaluation method of in Changji City area,evaluation results of rainfall distribution in a year and areal rainfall distribution are obtained,providing the temporal and spatial distribution of precipitation and precipitation quantitative value in dry years and high flow years, so as to provide decision-making reference for future reasonable water resources planning and optimization configuration in the study area.
作者 姜芸
出处 《黑龙江水利科技》 2014年第7期39-41,共3页 Heilongjiang Hydraulic Science and Technology
关键词 降水量 系列代表性 时空分布 丰枯分析 昌吉市 precipitation representative temporal and spatial distribution of runoff analysis Changji City
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