目的研究使用高能旋磁系统治疗慢性疲劳综合征引起的头痛、失眠和肌肉疼痛症状的疗效。方法使用高能旋磁系统治疗来自河南省中医院治未病科符合研究标准的60位病人,随机分为两组。治疗方法为磁盘距离头部和躯干部位15cm进行治疗;治疗时磁盘旋转速度为200转/分;每次治疗30分钟,每天治疗一次,共治疗10天。统计分析使用SAS9.2统计软件。结果 1失眠症状,治疗组和对照组改善失眠程度有显著差别(P驥0.01),治疗组总有效率100%。2头痛症状,治疗组和对照组改善头痛程度有显著差别(P驥0.01),治疗组总有效率100%。3肌肉疼痛症状,治疗组和对照组改善肌肉疼痛改善程度有显著差别(P驥0.01),治疗组总有效率100%。结论高能旋磁治疗系统用于治疗慢性疲劳综合征引起的失眠、头痛和肌肉疼痛临床症状,疗效确切。
Objective Clinical study of insomnia, headache and muscle pain symptoms caused by chronic fatigue syndrome treated by high energy rotating magnetic system. Methods Use high energy rotating magnetic system to treat the 60 patients from the preventive treatment of disease Department of Henan province Hospital of TCM who meet the study criteria into two groups, patients. Randomly divided into two groups. Disk distance 15cm head and torso. The disk rotation speed of 200 rpm; 30 minutes each treatment, treatment once a day, for 10 days. Statistical analysis using statistical software SAS9.2. Results Insomnia symptoms, the treatment group and the control group had significant difference in improving insomnia degree (P〈0.01), the total effective rate of treatment group 100%. 2 headache symptoms, the treatment group and the control group had significant difference in degree of improvement of headache (P〈0.01) , the total effective rate of treatment group 100%. 3 muscle pain symptoms, the treatment group and the control group improved muscle painthere was a significant difference between the degree of improvement (P〈0.01) , the total effective rate of treatment group 100%. Conclusion High energy rotating magnetic system has curative effect on the treatment ofinsornnia, headache and muscle pain induced by the chronic fatigue syndrome clinical symptoms .
Chinese Medicine Modern Distance Education of China
high energy rotating magnetic system
chronic fatigue syndrome
muscle pain