

An Investigation into the Word Order and Person Processing in Direct-to-indirect-speech Transformation in English Sentences
摘要 本文从句法和语义层面出发,通过两个实验考察中国大学生英语直接-间接引语句转换中语序和人称的加工过程。实验1的研究结果显示,熟练性是影响句子判断的重要因素,学习不同于汉语的句法结构不一定比学习与汉语相似的句法结构难度大。实验2旨在揭示正确句和违例句引发的ERP成分的波幅和潜伏期。研究结果表明,语境对句子加工具有制约作用。高水平被试与母语者在ERP波形上有趋同性,但与低水平被试相比存在较大差异。本研究部分支持浮现理论。 This paper is an investigation into the sentence processing in direct-to-indirect-speech transformation with Chinese college students at different levels as subjects. Two experiments are conducted to probe into the word order and person as syntactic and semantic presentations in sentence comprehension. The results of the first experiment indicate that proficiency is a significant factor that affects the accuracy of syntactic and semantic judgment, and that learning the grammatical structure different from that of Chinese does not necessarily mean more difficult than learning the grammatical structure similar to that in Chinese. The second experiment aims at revealing the amplitudes and latencies of ERP components elicited by congruous and incongruous sentences. Its findings show that the linguistic context plays a constraining role in sentence processing, and that the high-proficiency subjects have similar ERP patterns to those of the natives, but different from those of low-proficiency subjects. These findings do not completely support the Emergentist Theory. Key words: sentence processing ; word order; person
作者 李霄翔 季月
机构地区 东南大学
出处 《外语学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期107-112,共6页 Foreign Language Research
基金 国家社科基金项目"中国英语学习者句法与语义加工ERP研究"(13BYY153) 江苏省社科基金项目"英语句法表征和加工的脑电研究"(10YYB016)的阶段性成果
关键词 句子加工 语序 人称 sentence processing word order person
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