组播技术是OTT电视直播的解决方案之一。首先介绍了OTT TV的发展现状与存在的一些问题,然后介绍了组播的技术要点,同时,根据OTT中直播电视的使用场景,分析了直播电视的技术要求,提出了组播技术应用于直播电视的可行性方案,结果表明该方案运行良好。
Multicast is one of the main solutions for live TV on Over-The-Top (OTY) box. The current states of OTI" TV and the existing problems of OTT TV are introduced in this paper. Then the techniques of multieast are introduced. The technical requirements of live TV are analyzed according the use of scenarios based on OTT live TV, and the feasible solution of muhicast technology used in live TV is proposed. The results show that the solution performs well.
Video Engineering