
美国的协同创新中心发展模式探析——I/UCRC的经验与启示 被引量:7

An Exploration into the Development of American Cooperative Innovation Center
摘要 近30年来,美国产业-大学合作研究中心(I/UCRC)通过积极引入产业界资源获得了持续发展,并逐渐成为美国产学合作的最佳实践之一。本文基于对多个I/UCRC中心负责人的实地访谈,发现其在筛选培育、组织管理、资金资助模式等方面具有典型特征,同时NSF的有效协同作用不容忽视。I/UCRC的运行模式对教育部正在积极推进的"2011计划"具有重要参考价值,"协同创新中心"建设可从加强顶层设计、吸引产业界参与和注重项目评估等方面加强体制机制建设。 I/UCRC Program which is funded by NSF has become one of the best practices in umverslty/mdustry cooperation through attracting industry members to invest in I/UCRCs in the past 30 years. Based on on-spot interviews with people in charge of I/UCRC, the paper finds that 1/UCRC has typical traits in selection and cultivation, organization, management, funding model and so on, which have a major impact on the sustainable development of I/UCRC. I/UCRC program has important value on the "2011 Program". It is suggested that the development of Cooperative Innovation Center should be concentrated on the institutional mechanisms, which includes strengthening design of top structure, attracting industry participation and emphasizing on project evaluation and so on.
出处 《高等工程教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期153-158,共6页 Research in Higher Education of Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目"研究型大学创业与科学能力集成发展研究"(71273232/G0307) 杭州市哲学社会科学规划项目(B13JY01)的阶段性成果
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