针对JT 711-2008标准,补充匀加速油耗评价参数;建议用综合燃料消耗量评价时,至少要同时附上等速工况、匀加速工况油耗值及权重分配表,以使用户全面知情所购车辆的油耗特性。同时,根据实际分析营运客车在各种规定车速下的满载等速燃油消耗量权重系数与实际营运的差距,并提出建议。
According to the JT 711-2008 standard,the authors add the uniformly accelerated consumption evaluation parameters,suggest the use of integrated fuel consumption evaluation,at least to attach a constant condition,uniformly accelerated fuel consumption value and weight allocation table in order to inform users the fuel consumption characteristics of the purchase bus/coach.At the same time,based on the reality,they analyse the fuel gap between the full load speed consumption weight coefficient and the actual operating speed for the business bus/coach in various provisions,and provide some suggestions.
Bus & Coach Technology and Research