
用EEGLAB分析脑电信号 被引量:6

EEGLAB Analysis of EEG Signals
摘要 EEGLAB是一种基于Matlab的工具箱。它主要用于处理连续记录的脑电信号(EEG)脑磁信号(MEG)和其它电生理数据。它运用的方法主要有独立分量分析(ICA)、时间-频率分析[1]、绘制ERP图、排除伪迹和几种有用的可视化模式(对于求平均和单次提取数据)等。EEGLAB还为从事神经信号处理方法研究的开发人员提供了一个可扩展的开源的平台,他们利用邮件列表和世界各地的研究人员一起讨论新方法,研究出更多的EEGLAB的新插件。EEGLAB的插件可以通过下载设置后,直接融入并出现在用户菜单。EEGLAB可用于研究各种脑电信号,这些研究有助于对人类情绪探知和生理病理情况下的脑机制做研究,有助于了解人脑的工作原理,找到更有效的治疗精神疾病的方法。 EEGLAB is a toolbox based on Matlab .It is mainly used for processing continuous related brain electric sig -nal ,brain magnetic signal and other electrophysiological data .Its main methods include independent component analysis (ICA) ,time-frequency analysis(IAF)[1] ,the map of ERP ,artifact rejection and several useful visual models (for the average and single-trial data) ,etc .For creative research programmers and methods developers ,EEGLAB offers an extensible ,open-source platform through which they can share new methods with the world research community by publishing EEGLAB 'plug-in'functions that appear automatically in the EEGLAB menu .EEGLAB can be used to study a variety of EEG signals .These studies based on EEGLAB will help the detection of human emotions and the study to the pathogenesis of mental illness , which will find more effective methods for the treatment of mental illness .
作者 程学梅 崔园
出处 《计算机与数字工程》 2014年第10期1967-1970,共4页 Computer & Digital Engineering
基金 创新实验计划(编号:CXJS201311)资助
关键词 EEGLAB的特点 独立分量分析(ICA) 时间-频率分析(TFA) 绘制ERP图 the characteristics of EEGLAB map of ERP
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