Taking Potentilla fruticosa Linn. shrub meadow in alpine region of Qinghai Province as the research object, the biomass carbon content of different parts of shrub and herb in P. fruticosa shrub meadow from June to September was analyzed, and on this basis, the annual net primary carbon production ( NPCP) of shrub and herb was also compared. The results show that there are obvious differences in biomass and carbon content of different layers in above- and under-ground parts of shrub inP. fruticosa shrub meadow, and according to the proportion of biomass, average carbon content of above-and under-ground parts is determined as 0. 50 and 0. 48, respectively. Based on the maximum length, minimum width and maximum height of canopy surface of shrub in different months, the newly biomass carbon content at current year in above-ground part, the perennial accumulation biomass carbon contents in above- and under-ground parts of shrub were calculated by the equation “Wij = e〔aln(A·B·H)+b〕 ”, with the extremely significant correlation (P〈0. 01), it means that it is feasible to evaluate biomass carbon content in different parts of shrub in P. fruticosa shrub meadow by this equation. The newly biomass carbon content at current year in above-ground part, the perennial accumulation biomass carbon contents in above- and under-ground parts of shrub in P . fruticosa shrub meadow among different months is 9. 36-21. 15, 78. 07-90. 12 and 74. 37-101. 22 g·m-2 , respectively, with no obvious difference. And NPCP in above- and under-ground parts of shrub is 33. 20 and 26. 85 g·m-2 , respectively, and total is 60. 05 g·m-2 . NPCP in above- and under-ground parts of herb in P. fruticosa shrub meadow is 111. 41 and 445. 41 g·m-2 , respectively, and total is 556. 82 g·m-2 . If weighted calculation is carried out according to occupied area of herb and shrub of 78% and 22% , respectively, total NPCP of P. fruticosa shrub meadow in current year is 447. 53 g·m-2 , in which, NPCP of shrub accounts for only 2. 95% , and the ratio of NPCP of under-ground part to that of above-ground part of P. fruticosa shrub meadow is 3. 75. It is suggested that fixed carbon of herb is dominant in P. fruticosa shrub meadow in alpine region of Qinghai Province, and NPCP of under-ground part is obviously higher than that of above-ground part.
Journal of Plant Resources and Environment
alpine region
Potentilla fruticosa Linn. shrub meadow
carbon content
biomass carbon content
net primary carbon production