Structure parameters and C and N contents of different grade fine roots of Taxus chinensis var.mairei (Lemee et Lévl.) Cheng et L. K. Fu plantation with different stand ages were compared, and correlation between fine root structure parameters and its C and N contents was analyzed. Results show that there are differences in root diameter, specific root length (SRL) and specific surface area (SSA) ofⅠ- grades of fine roots of T. chinensis var. mairei with different stand ages, average root diameters of 6, 7 and 8 a plants are 1. 073, 1. 815 and 1. 734 mm, average SRL are 14. 09, 12. 88 and 14. 12 m·g-1 , and average SSA are 54. 93, 45. 85 and 50. 72 cm2 ·g-1 , respectively; with enhancing of root grade, gradually, SRL and SSA of fine root of same age plants decrease while root diameter increases with generally significant difference ( P 〈 0. 05); in general, except Ⅰ grade fine root, SRL and SSA of different grade fine roots of 7 a plant all are lower than those of 6 and 8 a plants; root diameter of different grade fine roots of 6 a plant are the smallest. There are no significant difference (P〉0. 05) in root-tip density and fork number among different age plants, but those of 6 a plant are the highest. Dry weight of fine root of 6 a plant is the lowest while that of 7 a plant is the highest with significant difference. With enhancing of root grade, C content in fine root increases gradually while N content decreases gradually. There are generally significant difference in C and N contents among Ⅰ-Ⅴgrade fine roots of the same age plant. In different grades of fine roots, C content in 7 a plant is the highest while N content in 8 a plant is the lowest; average C content of 6, 7 and 8 a plants is 454. 41, 501. 90 and 441. 55 mg·g-1 and average N content is 12. 63, 11. 99 and 5. 88 mg·g-1 , respectively. In fine root, C content has positive correlation with root diameter and dry weight and negative correlation with SRL, SSA and root-tip density; N content has negative correlation with root diameter and positive correlation with SRL, SSA and root-tip density; furthermore, there is no regular correlation in N content with dry weight, in C and N contents with fork number. It is suggested that tree age has a stronger influence on fine root diameter ofT. chinensis var. mairei, while it is more obvious in structure variation of fine root with different grades.
Journal of Plant Resources and Environment
Taxus chinensis var. mairei plantation
fine root
C and N contents
stand age