Deformed fabric has been broadly observed from middle to lower crustal rocks.The deformed fabric of granitic rock not only affects the strength of rock,but also controls the later deformation,which transforms the former deformation.The experimental exploration on effect of pre-exsiting fabric on the rheological strength of rocks is thus a new research topic.In this paper,we re-analysed the semibrittle-plastic creep data of anisotropic rocks(mica schist-gneiss,synthetic layers and particulate quartz-anorthite (50:50) composites),combined with the rheological experimental results of granitic gneiss and mylonite by the authors under different fabric conditions and discussed the effect of preexsiting fabric on rheological strength of anisotropic rocks.The experimental results show that the angle between the compression direction and the original foliation of anisotropic rocks is an important factor,which controls the variation of strength.In the semi-brittle deformation regime,the flow strength of rocks with compression direction perpendicular (PER) to the foliation is basically similar with that of rocks with compression direction parallel (PAR) to the foliation.The fracture strength is minimum when the angle between the compression dircction of experiment and the original foliation is 30 degrees.In the plastic deformation regime,the flow strength of rocks with PER is significantly stronger than that of rocks with PAR.The strength has a minimum value when the angle between the foliation and the orientiation of the maximum principal stress is 45 degrees.The degree of replacement of former deformed fabric by that of later deformation determines the strength of anisotropic rocks.Besides,the content,distridution and grain size of minerals have a significant effect on the strength of anisotropic rocks.Prediction by previous theories is consistent with experimental results of mica schist,but the rheological model of other types of anisotropic rock seems more complex than such theoretical models.Therefore,further investigation on the effect of pre-existing fabric on rheology of rock with comparison of the deformation between geological and experimental conditions is the most effective method to understand the rheology and deformation mechanism of anisotropic rocks in tectonic settings.
Seismology and Geology
pre-exsiting fabric
rheological strength
anisotropic rocks