The clinic application capability of the The Symptom Checklist (SCL-90) for the obsessive patients, and provide clinic data for the psychological assessment of obsessive patients. Use the Symptom Checklist to conduct psychological assessment for obsessive patients, man-machine dialogue, and computer assessment. The results of obsessive patients’Symptom Checklist assessment are shown:very good mental health condition accounting for 11%;good mental conditions accounting for 48%;in fair conditions, accounting for 26%;and relatively bad mental conditions accounting for 15%. Individual factor analysis shows that only a smal amount of the participates score each individual factor smal er than 2 or bigger than 4, instead, most of them score between 2-4 (normal range), demonstrating that the mental health condition is in the wild to moderate abnormal. According to the Symptom Checklist, factor Somatization, obsessive have a considerably high score, average score of〉3;whereas, al the other factors have a relatively mild increase, average of〉2. Positive factors average score are 69.46±13.22(〉43 items). Al individual factors’averages are significantly higher than the national norm (P〈0.001). The obsessive patients have a relatively high score in most of the factors in the Symptom checklist, which gives a good application value for the diagnosis of the obsessive patients;However, 11%of the obsessive patients came through the Symptom checklist as normal condition, which means the diagnosis of obsessive stil relies mainly in the comprehensive clinic methods, and the Symptom Checklist should be used as one of the reference index.
Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research