

On Several Basic Problems in the Research of Teaching methods
摘要 文章在分析教学活动作为人类有目的性的实践活动的基础上,提出教学方法研探要把握好教师与学生的关系、教学方法与教师发展的关系、传承与创新的关系等几个基本问题,明确教学方法的研探是为教学目的服务的,论述了教学方法的改革关键取决于教师的发展,其在本质上是教师教学思维方式的变革,阐明了教师职业的价值追求。 Based on the analysis of teaching activities being human purposeful practice, this paper puts forward that in the teaching method research we should grasp the relationship between teachers and students, the relationship between teaching methods and teachers' development, the relationship between inheritance and innovation and so on. The research of teaching methods serves the teaching purpose. This paper also discusses the teaching method reform depends on the development of teachers and it is the reform of teaching thinking in essence, then illustrates the core value of teachers' profession.
作者 叶朝
出处 《襄阳职业技术学院学报》 2014年第5期90-94,共5页 Journal of Xiangyang Polytechnic
关键词 教学方法 教师发展 教学思维 传承 创新 teaching method teacher development teaching thinking inheritance innovation
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