
新形势下的上海合作组织安全合作机制 被引量:1

Security cooperation mechanism of Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO)under the new situation
摘要 上海合作组织(前上海五国组织)自2001年成立以来,不断加强成员国之间的互信合作,致力于维护地区和平与稳定,历经13年的发展,已经逐渐构建起了相对完善的安全合作机制。在上海合作组织的框架内,各成员国不断加强相互之间的合作,开展积极有效的合作措施,有力地打击了"三股势力",在在解决地区冲突和反恐合作中都取得了很大成效。"亚信会议"第四次峰会上,亚信秘书处和上合组织秘书处签署的合作备忘录以及《亚洲相互协作与信任措施会议第四次峰会上海宣言》使得地区安全合作进一步推进。但在新的国际形势和地区形势下,上海合作组织正面临着安全挑战。 Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO,once Shanghai Five Countries Organization) has been engaged in strengthening mutual trust cooperation and committed to maintaining regional peace and stability since it was founded in 2001.After 13 years' development,SCO has gradually established a relatively sound security cooperation mechanism.Under the lead of SCO,the member countries have continuously strengthened the mutual cooperation,carried out many effective preventive measures to combat the "three forces",and achieved certain results in solving a series of regional conflict and terrorism activities.On the fourth summit of Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia(CICA) held on May 20,2014,the secretariat of CICA and SCO signed a memorandum of understanding and the Shanghai declaration of the fourth summit of Conference on CICA which pushes the development of regional multilateral security cooperation a step forward.But under the new regional and international situation,SCO still faces some big security challenges.
作者 王瑜贺
出处 《淮南师范学院学报》 2014年第5期22-25,共4页 Journal of Huainan Normal University
关键词 上合组织 安全挑战 安全合作机制 Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO) security challenges security cooperation mechanism
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