
结合列车时间表的地铁换乘同步性优化 被引量:2

Optimization for Metro Interchange Synchronization with Consideration of Train Timetable
摘要 既有开行方案的调度编排理论较少考虑换乘客流的协调同步性和列车承载能力,本文提出基于列车时刻的地铁换乘同步性优化模型,其特点是根据不同客流量的到达规律和接驳列车容量限制,以接驳列车为实时追踪对象,将离散客流准确地划分到有效时间域内,并将客流拥挤情况和换乘线时刻表协调问题考虑到优化模型中。 The traffi c control and arrangement theory for existing train running scheduling has little consideration of interchange coordination and synchronization and train carrying capacity. This paper puts forward an optimized metro interchange synchronization optimized model based on train timetable, which is characterized by different passenger flows with the arrival patterns and connection train capacity restrictions. Taking connection trains for real-time tracking, the discrete passenger fl ows are accurately divided into the effective time domain, the traffi c congestions and the transfer line timetable coordination problems have been taken into account in the optimized model.
出处 《现代城市轨道交通》 2014年第5期59-62,74,共5页 Modern Urban Transit
关键词 地铁 时刻表 换乘 同步性 metro train timetable interchange synchronization
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