对西安地铁2号线环控系统运行现状进行调研,增设仪表对能耗和运营环境进行监测,由监测数据总结出隧道通风、轨道排热、车站空调等系统运营能耗较大的原因,并提出各系统节能运行的措施:区间隧道通风系统按初近期设计工况运营,保证每半个月早、晚各开启一次全线隧道风机正(反)转运行30 min;轨道排热系统初近期按空调季每天早晚高峰各开启2 h排热,其他季节每月开启2次(每次0.5 h)按检修模式运行;车站通风空调系统采取调高冷水机组出水温度、提高公共区空调环境设定温度、增大末端二通阀开度、减小风机频率、冬季采用只排不送的间歇运行方式。以上措施实施后,预计全线环控系统每年可节省能耗约5 787 871 kW·h,相当于每年节省运营费用约515.15万元。统计数据显示,各项节能措施(含照明节能措施)实施后,2号线2013年1—9月比2012年同期已节约电费796.6万元,预计全年可节约电费1 062万元,节能措施真正降低了运行能耗。
The operational condition of environment con- trol system of Xi' an subway Line 2 is investigate, many in- strumental devices are installed to monitor the energy con- sumption and environment protection. Major factors like tunnel ventilation, tunnel heat exhausting and operation of air-conditioners that influence the energy consumption are summarized, corresponding measures are proposed. When the new energy-saving operation is adopted, the ventilation system starts working once per 15 days in the morning and evening for 2 hours, which may decrease the energy consumption by 5 787 871 kW ·h (equivalent to about 5. 151 5 million RMB) every year for the whole line. As the statistics show that the e- lectricity charge was reduced by 7. 966 million RMB from Janu- ary to September in 2013 compared to that in 2012, meaning the application of the energy-saving measures may reduce theelectricity charge by 10.62 million RMB yearly, and achieve the goal of operation energy saving.
Urban Mass Transit
subway environmental control system energy-saving measures