Poetic harmony and synaesthesis is one of the core concepts of I. A. Richards' semasiological aesthetics, which involves the exploration of the beauty and values of poetic experience from both semasiological and aesthetic angles. Richards' views on the beauty of poetry will be explored from various aspects, namely, the formal construction of poetry, the reading experience of poetry, ambiguity in poetry, and reconciliation of impulses during the poetic experience. Poetic beauty as the harmony of synaesthesis will be outlined grounded on key points of Richards' aesthetic works, which involves the integrated form, the harmonious sound, the. enigmatic sense and the synaesthetic experience. With his inter-disciplinary effort to observe and analyze the fascinating nature of poetry, Richards has successfully highlighted the formal beauty of poetry, the aesthetic value of poetic experience, and the therapeutic function of poetry through coenesthesia.
poetic beauty
I. A. Richards
poetic harmony and synaesthesis