
连云港市某环氧模塑料生产企业职业卫生状况调查 被引量:2

Investigation on occupational health status of an epoxy molding compound manufacturing enterprise in Lianyungang City
摘要 目的了解连云港市某环氧模塑料生产企业职业病危害情况,提出合理的防护措施,提高该企业的职业病防治水平。方法对该生产环氧模塑料产品的电子企业开展基本职业卫生情况、职业卫生防护设施、个人防护用品使用及劳动者职业卫生培训情况等调查,收集企业2012年工作场所中职业性危害因素检测数据和接触职业病危害劳动者的职业健康检查资料。采用Excel 2003软件对所有数据进行录入,进行描述性统计分析。结果企业职业卫生管理制度较健全,管理的实施尚不到位。主要职业病危害因素有粉尘(矽尘、酚醛树脂粉尘)、化学毒物(丙酮、环氧树脂)、物理因素(噪声)等。主要职业病危害因素中噪声岗位超标率为43.7%,粉尘(总尘)超标率为36.4%,矽尘(呼尘)超标率为37.5%。部分作业场所设置了防尘、防毒设施。503名工人在岗期间职业健康检查中,检出X线胸片和电测听异常共143人(28.43%),其中胸片异常人员主要集中在预成型、配料和包装岗位,电测听异常人员主要集中在球磨、配料、预成型、挤出等岗位,有26人属于职业性噪声聋观察对象。讨论该企业主要的职业病危害因素为粉尘、噪声,均有不同程度超标现象,发生职业病的风险较高,应采取综合防护措施,有效保护劳动者健康。 [ Objective ] To understand the status of occupational hazards in an epoxy molding compound manufacturing enterprise of Lianyungang City, put forward the reasonable protective measures, and improve the prevention level of occupational diseases in this enterprise. [ Methods] The investigation on basic occupational health status, occupational health protection facilities, use of personal protective equipments, and occupational health training among workers was conducted in this epoxy molding compound manufacturing enterprise. The detection data of occupational hazard factors in the workplace and occupational health examination data of workers exposed to occupational hazard factors in this enterprise in 2012 were collected, and a descriptive statistical analysis was performed by Excel 2003 software. [ Results ] The occupational health management system in this enterprise was basically perfect, but its implementation was not satisfactory. The main occupational hazard factors included dust ( silicon dust and phenolic resin dust) , chemical poisons ( acetone and epoxy resin) , and physical factors ( noise ). The exceeding standard rate was noise, dust and silicon dust ( respirable dust) was 43.7%, 36.4% and 37.5%, respectively. There were dustproof and anti-poison facilities in some workplaces. 503 workers received the in-service occupational health examination, and 143 (28.43%) had the abnormal results in chest X-ray and andiometry. The workers with abnormal results of chest X-ray mainly concentrated in the preforming, proportioning and packaging posts, while most of workers with abnormal results of audiometry were engaged in ball milling, proportioning, performing and extrusion. 26 workers were the observation objects of noise-induced occupational hearing loss. [ Conclusion] The main occupational hazard factors in this enterprise are dust and noise, and the concentrations/strengths have exceeded the standard in different degrees, which indicates that there is a high risk of occupational diseases. It is necessary to carry out the comprehensive protective measures, to effectively protect the laborers' health.
出处 《职业与健康》 CAS 2014年第19期2689-2692,共4页 Occupation and Health
关键词 环氧模塑料 职业卫生管理 噪声 粉尘 Epoxy molding compound Occupational health management Noise Dust
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