

Mail Forwarding From the Internet to Isolated Internal Network
摘要 文章分析了内外网隔离环境下的114预约邮件导入导出机制,针对其安全性缺点提出了使用开源软件getmail和procmail用于从外网定时收取邮件并过滤后从内网邮件系统转发方案。 Analyzing the import mechanism of 114 appointment mails from Intemet to isolated internal network, designing a project based on free open-source software getmail and procmail to solve the safety deficiency, using getmail to fetch special email from the internet on schedule and forwarding it to an isolated internal network.
出处 《电脑与信息技术》 2014年第5期48-49,共2页 Computer and Information Technology
关键词 getmail procmail 邮件转发 getmail procmail mail forwarding
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