
一种使用相变材料的新型电动汽车电池热管理系统 被引量:22

A novel thermal management system for EV batteries using phase-change material
摘要 针对一种使用相变材料(PCM)的新型电动汽车电池热管理系统,以计算流体动力学(CFD)为基础,研究该系统在正常工况和滥用工况下的冷却性能。以模块的最高温度和最大温差作为监控参数,通过对电池在高温环境及大电流放电等工况的模拟,发现与相同结构的空气冷却条件下的电池组相比,填充PCM能够保证电池组的最大温度不超过安全温度50℃,最大温差在5℃以内,可以明显改善电池组的温度场分布,使电池的容量得到充分的利用。此外,作为一个被动的冷却方式,PCM热管理系统不需要提供额外的附加功率,能够很好的满足电池的工作要求。 A novel thermal management system for electric vehicle (EV) high-power lithium-ion pack that incorporates phase-change material (PCM) was proposed and investigated under the normal and stressful conditions. Based on ecomputational fluid dynamics (CFD),numerical simulations were perfomed under extreme conditions,such as high ambient temperature and high discharge rate,to analyze the thermal behavior of lithium-ion battery pack with a PCM thermal management system. Contrary to the lithium-ion pack without thermal management system for the same compact module and pack configuration,the temperature profile of the cells using PCM was obviously improved during abusive discharge,with a desired maximum temperature below 50℃ and temperature difference within 5℃ and full capacity utilized. In addition,the passive cooling system was able to meet the operating range requirements under these abusive conditions without additional external power.
出处 《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第10期2608-2612,共5页 Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress
基金 科技部国际合作项目(2013DFG60080)
关键词 电动汽车 锂离子电池 相变 材料 热管理 滥用条件 electric vehicle lithium-ion battery phase change material PCM thermal management abusive condition
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