

On Obligation and Discretion to Grant Asylum in the Situation of “Responsibility to Protect”
摘要 主权国家与国际社会承担着保护其人民免遭灭绝种族、战争罪、族裔清洗和危害人类罪之害的责任。在出现国内动荡或武装冲突等危险情势时,为了免遭可能或已经开始的严重人权侵害,人民往往大量地逃离本国,寻求在他国获得避难和保护。在是否给予避难保护的问题上,被请求国的义务与裁量权需要得到明确界定。"保护的责任"并没有对被请求国施加"必须接纳"的强制义务。难民国际保护制度为被请求国保留了较大的自由裁量权。因此,对于"保护的责任"情势下的避难寻求者,国际社会应当运用"临时避难保护"制度。在给予避难保护的义务与裁量权之间实现必要的协调平衡。 Sovereign state and international community assume responsibility to protect people from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity. In the situation of internal disturbance or armed conflict, to escape ongoing or possible severe infringe on human right, internal people often largely flee their homeland to seek asylum of other countries. In the problem as to whether grant asylum, obligation and discretion of requested state should be clarified. "Responsibility to Protect" does not inflict compulsive admission obligation on requested state, and refugee protection system preserve more discretion. Requested state should hold more discretion based on legitimate interest demand. Therefore, for these asylum seekers in the situation of "Responsibility to Protect" , international community should exert temporary refuge mechanism, so as to achieve necessary balance between obligation and discretion in the grant of asylum.
作者 赵洲
出处 《浙江工商大学学报》 CSSCI 2014年第5期48-55,共8页 Journal of Zhejiang Gongshang University
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目"我国政府参与全球性治理若干法律问题研究"(10BFX098)
关键词 “保护的责任” 避难 裁量权 “不推回”原则 "eesponsibility to protect" refuge discretion principle of "non-refoulemen"
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