
中、韩、英三国特殊教师对自闭症儿童教学方法认识的比较研究 被引量:2

On the Teaching Methods Cognition for the Children with Autism of the Special Education Teachers in China,Korea,and the United Kingdom
摘要 本研究通过调查和比较,探讨了中、韩、英三国特殊教师对自闭症儿童教学方法认识的差异性,从而更好地了解当前世界自闭症儿童的教学现状,让中国特殊教师在今后的教学中得到启示.本研究参考了国内外大量文献资料并自行设计问卷,由各国部分地区特殊小学的校长给本校在职第一线且有教过自闭症儿童教学经验的教师分发问卷,并由教师独立进行填写,最终收集了265份调查问卷,用SPSS20.0进行结果分析.结果显示:中、韩、英三国特殊教师在制定自闭症儿童教学课程内容时,英国特殊教师对需要包含的教学领域的强调程度要比韩、中两国特殊教师高;在自闭症儿童教学中所使用教学方法的认识上,英、韩两国特殊教师的了解程度要比中国特殊教师高;在对使用教学方法过程中会遇到问题的认识上,中、韩两国特殊教师都认为教学方法在使用中会遇到的最大问题是"自闭症儿童的个体差异",相反,英国特殊教师认为教学方法在使用中会遇到的最大问题是"教师自己时间不足";最后,对自闭症儿童实行有效教学所需要支援体系的认识上,韩国特殊教师认为最需要的支援体系是"与障碍儿童特征相符合的教育设施和设备的支援",中国特殊教师认为最需要的支援体系是"让老师能够坚持参加与特殊教育相关的进修",而英国特殊教师认为最需要的支援体系是"对额外医疗服务的资金支援". This study investigates ,analyzes and compares the differences of the teaching methods cognition for the children with autism of the special education teachers in China ,Korea and the United Kingdom ,so that Chinese special education teachers can know the teaching status for the children with autism in the world and have some enlightenments in the future teaching . Referring to a great many document literature at home and aboard , the study self-designs the questionnaires ,then the headmasters of special education primary schools in different countries distribute the questionnaires to the teachers who are teaching the children with autism and have the experience of teaching the children with autism ,the teachers fill in the questionnaires ,finally the survey selects 265 questionnaires ,and the collect data are analyzed by SPSS 20.0 .The results show that in formulating teaching curriculum contents ,the teachers in the United Kingdom emphasize the teaching fields more than the teachers in China and Korea .In the cognition about teaching methods ,the teachers in both Korea and the United Kingdom know more than the teachers in China .In the cognition about the problems in the teaching , the teachers in both Korea and China consider that the biggest problem is “the individual differences of the children with autism” ,while the teachers in the United Kingdom consider the biggest problem is “the insufficient time of teachers” .And in the cognition about the necessary support system for the effective teaching ,the teachers in Korea consider the necessary support system is “the education facilities and equipment suitable for the characteristics of the disabled children” , the teachers in China consider the necessary support system is “the professional development of teachers related to special education” ,and the teachers in the United Kingdom consider the necessary support system is “the funds for additional medical services” .
作者 王薇
出处 《杭州师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2014年第5期488-494,共7页 Journal of Hangzhou Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 自闭症儿童 认识 特殊教师 教学方法 children with autism cognition special education teachers teaching methods
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