加固产品以及民用产品在进行ESD测试时,偶尔会出现显示部分短暂黑屏后1~2秒恢复正常,在民用领域可以判定为合格(符合GB/T 17618判定标准),但是在军用、航天等领域带来的影响是非常严重的,这些领域设备工作条件非常苛刻,静电放电抗扰度稍微不合格可能影响数据传输错误,出现异常的停机和报警等,将造成不可弥补的后果。本文主要研究线缆"猪尾巴"效应对设备静电放电抗扰度的影响。
During ESD test of The reinforcement and civil products, the display device has occasional without display output, but can recovery nomal after 1~2 seconds. In the field of civil, this situation can be judged to be qualified(according to GB/T 17618 standard), but the impact on military, aerospace and other fields is very serious, working conditions of equipments are very harsh in the field, electrostatic discharge immunity slightly substandard may affect data transmission error, may cause abnormal shutdown and alarm etc, this will cause irreparable consequences. Research of the paper is discussed the influence of equipment electrostatic discharge immunity from Cable 'pigtail' effect.
Information Technology and Informatization