
A Location Privacy Preserving Solution to Resist Passive and Active Attacks in VANET 被引量:2

A Location Privacy Preserving Solution to Resist Passive and Active Attacks in VANET
摘要 Existing location privacypreserving methods,without a trusted third party,cannot resist conspiracy attacks and active attacks.This paper proposes a novel solution for location based service(LBS) in vehicular ad hoc network(VANET).Firstly,the relationship among anonymity degree,expected company area and vehicle density is discussed.Then,a companion set V is set up by k neighbor vehicles.Based on secure multi-party computation,each vehicle in V can compute the centroid,not revealing its location to each other.The centroid as a cloaking location is sent to LBS provider(P)and P returns a point of interest(POI).Due to a distributed secret sharing structure,P cannot obtain the positions of non-complicity vehicles by colluding with multiple internal vehicles.To detect fake data from dishonest vehicles,zero knowledge proof is adopted.Comparing with other related methods,our solution can resist passive and active attacks from internal and external nodes.It provides strong privacy protection for LBS in VANET. Existing location privacy- preserving methods, without a trusted third party, cannot resist conspiracy attacks and active attacks. This paper proposes a novel solution for location based service (LBS) in vehicular ad hoc network (VANET). Firstly, the relationship among anonymity degree, expected company area and vehicle density is discussed. Then, a companion set F is set up by k neighbor vehicles. Based on secure multi-party computation, each vehicle in V can compute the centroid, not revealing its location to each other. The centroid as a cloaking location is sent to LBS provider (P) and P returns a point of interest (POI). Due to a distributed secret sharing structure, P cannot obtain the positions of non-complicity vehicles by colluding with multiple internal vehicles. To detect fake data from dishonest vehicles, zero knowledge proof is adopted. Comparing with other related methods, our solution can resist passive and active attacks from internal and external nodes. It provides strong privacy protection for LBS in VANET.
出处 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第9期60-67,共8页 中国通信(英文版)
基金 the National Natural Science Foundation of China,by the Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province,by the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China,the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
关键词 基于位置的服务 隐私保护 主动攻击 车辆密度 自组织网络 零知识证明 LBS 保护方法 vehicular ad hoc network locationbased services location k-anonymity securemulti-party computation
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