

Automatic topological description of M^2Sbot self-reconfigurable robot system
摘要 本文基于M2Sbot自重构机器人系统提出了拓扑构型的自动表达方法.根据单元模块本身的机械结构特性,对其进行了拓扑构型的简化,定义了各连接面与空间角度信息;分析了模块间可能的连接与连接方位,以有界深度优先搜索算法实现整体系统逻辑地址的自动定义,空间信息的自动描述以及系统中连接信息的自动表达.该表达方法能够准确描述自重构系统的连接信息与空间位姿,克服了现存的拓扑表达方法在存在回路的构型表达中的无解难题,为系统的重构算法与运动控制算法研究提供了一定的理论基础. A spatial topology representation methods is described based on M2 Sbot self-reconfigurable robot in this paper.The topology structure is simplified depend on the characteristics of module's mechanical structure,the junction surface and space angle information are defined,the possible connection and connection orientation between two modules are analyzed.With bounded depth-first search algorithm,the goal to define the logical addresses of the system automatically,to express the spatial information and the connection information of the system automatically is completed.The connection information and space position of the system are reflected accurately,the unsolved problem of presence of loop configuration is overcome with this method.This topology description method is helpful to the reconfiguration algorithm and motion control algorithm research.
出处 《天津理工大学学报》 2014年第5期26-30,共5页 Journal of Tianjin University of Technology
基金 天津市自然科学基金(13JCYBJC17700) 教育部大学生创新创业训练计划资助项目(201210060028)
关键词 M2Sbot 自重构机器人 拓扑构型 自动表达 M2Sbot self-reconfigurable robot topological structure automatic expression
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