
警惕番茄褪绿病毒在我国的传播和危害 被引量:42

Alarming the transmission and damage of Tomato chlorosis virus in China
摘要 番茄褪绿病毒(Tomato chlorosis virus,ToCV)侵染番茄引起番茄褪绿病毒病。发病植株下部叶片黄化、脉间褪绿、边缘轻微卷曲,叶片光合作用显著降低,果实变小,产量和品质明显下降。该病毒最早于1998年在美国佛罗里达州发现,随后在世界多地陆续报道。我国首先于2004年在台湾报道,2013年又在北京和山东发现并鉴定了该病毒,同时在辣椒上检测到该病毒。ToCV属于长线形病毒科(Closteroviridae)毛形病毒属(Crinivirus)成员,基因组为二分体正义单链RNA,由粉虱传播。经初步调查和检测,ToCV在我国北京、山东、河北、天津等省市相继发生,给当地番茄生产造成了严重危害。ToCV传播迅速,成为我国番茄生产中又一重要病毒,防控形势严峻。基于以上原因,建议有关部门立即采取相应预防和防治措施,组织开展相关研究和攻关,控制该病毒在我国的传播和危害。 Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV)causes leaf chlorosis on infected tomato plants.The lower leaves be-come yellow,interveinal chlorosis,slightly curling on edges,and photosynthesis decreases obviously.The fruits on infected plants turn smaller,and the production and quality are reduced significantly.ToCV was firstly identified in Florida,USA,and then was reported in many countries.In China,ToCV was reported firstly from Taiwan in 2004.In 2013,ToCV was found on tomato plants in Beijing and Shandong Province,and was detected on pepper plants at the same time.Being a member of Crinivirus in family Closteroviridae,ToCV has a bipartite positive single-stranded RNA,and is transmitted by whitefly.Preliminary survey indicated ToCV had spread in Beijing, Shandong,Hebei and Tianjin,and caused severe damage on local tomato production.As its fast transmission, ToCV has become one of the most important viruses for China’s tomato production.It is suggested that measures must be carried out to perform research on ToCV,and to control its transmission and damage on tomato plants.
出处 《植物保护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期196-199,共4页 Plant Protection
基金 国家"863"计划项目(2012AA100103)
关键词 番茄褪绿病毒 脉间褪绿 粉虱 防治措施 Tomato chlorosis virus interveinal chlorosis whitefly control measures
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