正常眼压性青光眼(normal tension glaucoma,NTG)在临床特征上除了眼压在正常范围外,其余均与开角型青光眼有许多相同之处,故以往一直被认为是开角型青光眼的一个亚型.但随着对此疾病的认识逐渐加深,发现其危险因素与高眼压性开角型青光眼有所不同,全身情况及眼局部因素都对NTG的发生发展产生影响,主要包括性别、年龄、脑供血不足、眼压波动、眼轴长度、屈光度等方面.
Normal tension glaucoma (NTG) has been considered as a subtype of primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) since it has lots of common clinical features with the latter except the normal intraocular pressure (IOP).However,its risk factors were found to be different from those of high-tension open-angle glaucoma according to the gradual deepening awareness of the disease.Systemic and local factors both have an impact on the development of NTG.We discuss the risk factors including sex,age,cerebral ischemia,IOP fluctuation,axial length and refractive error respectively in this review.
International Review of Ophthalmology