
全球健康学科中的几个基本问题 被引量:5

Fundamentals of the discipline of global health
摘要 全球健康日益受到关注,但关于学科的概念、特征、任务和历史还未完全明朗,结合中国学者的认识,本文将围绕上述问题进行阐述。简单地说,"全球健康"就是指全世界人口的共同健康,即一切以全球人口的共同健康为优先关注的事项。"全球健康"由国际卫生演变而来,但两者存在重大差别。"全球健康"的宗旨与最高目标是"实现全人类最大可能的健康"和"促进人类和谐发展"。其主要研究任务是为全球健康治理提供证据支持与理论指导,包括全球性疾病或健康的社会决定因素、国家卫生系统、全球健康治理和卫生人力资源等诸多方面。 Global health has drawn great attention. However, the conception, features, missions and history of the discipline have not been fully expounded. Given such, the article aims to address this problem based on the understanding of the Chinese scientists. Simply, global health is the health of all people worldwide and places a priority on the health of all in a global context. Global health clerived from international health. Nonetheless, there is a huge difference between them. The aim and ultimate goal of global health is to achieve optimal health for the world population and to promote harmo- nious development of the humanity. The mission of global health research, including but not limited to such topics as social determinants of global diseases and health, national health system, and human resources for health care sector, is to pro- vide evidence support and theoretical guidance for global health managements.
出处 《中华疾病控制杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第10期1003-1007,共5页 Chinese Journal of Disease Control & Prevention
基金 以竞争力为导向的全球健康专业本科人才培养的理论与实践(13-134)
关键词 世界卫生 健康状况 疾病 World health Health status Disease
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