

The Reflection on Improving Teaching Effect of Surveying Science Based on Psychological Environment
摘要 针对目前课堂教学中较少关注师生心理环境的现状,以测量学教学为例,基于师生心理环境的视角,总结分析了目前学生缺乏知识框架的建立,教学内容和课件设计更新不能满足学生对最新实践知识的需求等问题,并由此针对性地提出了优化师生心理环境的策略,着重对学生学习兴趣、独立思考及创新能力的培养。 Focusing on the current status that the psychological environment between teachers and students is less concerned in classroom teaching, taking the teaching of surveying science for example, based on the perspective of psychological environment between teachers and students, this paper summarized and analyzed the problems of the current lack of a knowledge framework for students, the failure of teaching content and courseware design update to meet the needs of students for practical knowledge of the latest issues. And targeted optimization strategies of psychological environment were proposed, which emphasize the development of students' learning interest, independent thinking and innovation capability.
出处 《科教文汇》 2014年第28期77-78,共2页 Journal of Science and Education
基金 湖南农业大学东方科技学院大学生研究性学习和创新性实验计划项目
关键词 心理环境 课堂效率 测量学 教学思考 psychological environment classroom efficiency surveying science reflection of teaching
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