高温度稳定型Sm2Co17永磁体的磁性能会随着使用温度的提高有所下降.为了探究高温对合金微观结构的影响,对该材料进行差热分析后得到3个明显的相变温度点:254、342和540℃.然后取同一批次的该磁体在上述温度下分别进行热处理30 min,并使用扫描电子显微镜和X射线能谱仪对处理后样品进行显微结构和成分分析.结果表明,Cu和Fe的析出和氧化是材料磁性能失效的原因,分析结果对预防该类材料失效提供了微观依据.
With the increasing using temperature, the magnetic performance of high temperature stable Sm2Co17 type permanent magnet will be decreased. In order to explore the effect of the high temperature on microstructure of the alloy, the differential thermal analysis (DTA) was made and three distinct phase transformation temperature 254 ℃, 342 ℃ and 540℃ were obtained. Then scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X- ray energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) were used to analyze the microstructure and composition of the samples treated at the above temperatures. The results suggested that the oxidation and precipitation of Cu and Fe are the key reason to result in the failure of the material, which provides a micro basis to prevent the failure of this type of magnet.
Analysis and Testing Technology and Instruments