
甜菜不同基因型品种光合特性比较 被引量:4

Study on the Photosynthetic Characteristics of Different Sugar Beet Genotypes
摘要 发展甜菜生产进一步提高其产量和含糖率,对发展工农业生产、增加农民收益有重要的意义。以丰产型和高糖型甜菜品种为材料,研究比较不同基因型品种光合特性及其与产质量形成的关系。结果表明:不同基因型甜菜在各生育期叶片SPAD值、光合速率、气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度和蒸腾速率的动态变化趋势不同,且存在显著差异。苗期丰产品种的胞间CO2浓度低于高糖品种。叶丛快速生长期丰产品种气孔导度低于高糖品种。块根及糖分增长期丰产品种光合速率高于高糖品种。糖分积累期丰产品种叶片SPAD值低于高糖品种,胞间CO2浓度高于高糖品种。叶丛快速生长期、糖分积累期丰产品种蒸腾速率低于高糖品种。 Further increasing the yield and sugar content of sugar beet is significant for the development of sugar beet production, sugar industry and increasing farmers' income. In this study, the photosynthetic characteristics of different varieties of sugar beet were compared during the whole growth period. The results showed that: there was significant difference of SPAD, photosynthetic rate, stomata conductance, intercellular CO2 concentration and transpiration rate in different sugar beet genotypes during the growing period. In sugar accumulation stage, SPAD value of high-yielding varieties was lower than that of high sugar varieties. In root and sugar growth stage, photosynthetic rate of high-yielding varieties was higher than that of high sugar varieties. In the seedling stage, intercellular CO2 concentration of high-yielding varieties was lower than that of high sugar varieties, intercellular CO2 concentration of high yield varieties in sugar accumulation period was higher than that of high sugar varieties. In the foliage rapid growth stage, stomata conductance of high-yield varieties was lower than that of high sugar varieties. The transpiration rate of high-yield varieties in foliage rapid growth stage and sugar accumulation period was lower than that of high sugar varieties.
出处 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2014年第27期38-42,共5页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 国家自然科学基金"甜菜块根与糖分增长的生理和分子机理的研究"(31260347) 现代农业产业技术体系(CARS-210304)
关键词 甜菜 基因型 SPAD值 光合速率 蒸腾速率 sugar beet genotype SPAD photosynthetic rate transpiration rate
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