Uthai Thani-Nakhon Sawan structural ridge is the 35 km mountain length lying in N-S direction within the Chainat duplex at the Central Thailand. The ridge, which is clearly seen from satellite image in the flat areas of the Central Plain, is composed of Triassic mylonitic granite and Silurian-Devonian metamorphosed sedimentary rocks. Satellite image interpretation, geological mapping, field data and microstructure analysis have been integrated for the understanding of structural style of Uthai Thani-Nakhon Sawan ridge. The rocks within the ridge had been deformed under sinistral ductile shear which was shown by foliations, stretching lineations, S-C fabrics, sigmoid clasts, mineral fish and S-folded both in outcrops and under microscope. The major N-S, minor NNW-SSE striking ridges and foliation planes indicate the paleostress of σ1 in the NW-SE direction. The major sinistral motion of this region probably ended at ~30 Ma. All structural elements and deformation style of Uthai Thani-Nakhon Sawan ridge relate to the Chainat duplex geometry and Mae Ping fault zone activity during Tertiary.
Uthai Thani-Nakhon Sawan structural ridge is the 35 km mountain length lying in N-S direction within the Chainat duplex at the Central Thailand. The ridge, which is clearly seen from satellite image in the flat areas of the Central Plain, is composed of Triassic mylonitic granite and Silurian-Devonian metamorphosed sedimentary rocks. Satellite image interpretation, geological mapping, field data and microstructure analysis have been integrated for the understanding of structural style of Uthai Thani-Nakhon Sawan ridge. The rocks within the ridge had been deformed under sinistral ductile shear which was shown by foliations, stretching lineations, S-C fabrics, sigmoid clasts, mineral fish and S-folded both in outcrops and under microscope. The major N-S, minor NNW-SSE striking ridges and foliation planes indicate the paleostress of σ1 in the NW-SE direction. The major sinistral motion of this region probably ended at ~30 Ma. All structural elements and deformation style of Uthai Thani-Nakhon Sawan ridge relate to the Chainat duplex geometry and Mae Ping fault zone activity during Tertiary.
funded by the Ratchadaphiseksomphot Endowment Fund, Chulalongkorn University
funded by the Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University