
蜱虫危害及其媒介效能 被引量:14

Research on ticks infestation and their vector capacity
摘要 蜱虫是一种能传播多种病原体的节肢动物,蜱虫叮咬人类或动物后,会将其体内的病原体传播给宿主,是一种仅次于蚊虫的重要病媒生物。媒介效能是评价蜱虫潜在传播疾病的重要指标,本文就蜱虫对人畜的危害,蜱虫面临的新挑战,蜱虫媒介效能及其影响因素研究现状作了基本综述。 A kind of arthropod named as tick can carry variety of pathogens, which will infect host while tick vector bite human and animal. Tick is an important vector just following mosquito. Vectorial capacity is regarded as an impor- tant indicator to assess potential disease transmission. In this article, ticks infestation on humans and animals, new challenges to combat tick, vectorial capacity for ticks and its influencing factors were reviewed.
出处 《中华卫生杀虫药械》 CAS 2014年第5期493-496,500,共5页 Chinese Journal of Hygienic Insecticides and Equipments
关键词 蜱虫 危害 媒介效能 ticks infestation vectorial capacity
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  • 12结果 2.1蚊虫经口感染各型DEN病毒饱血雌蚊感染各型DEN病毒后14d进行病毒分离和免疫荧光检测,结果如表1。表明通过刺叮吸食发病乳鼠血,白纹伊蚊几乎一半以上可感染各型DEN,并在其体内增殖。 表1白纹伊蚊经口感染各型DEN病毒后












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