

A Method of Service Evolution for Controlling Risk of Privacy Exposure
摘要 在Web服务组合中,用户隐私保护问题被广泛关注。当服务组合中有一个或多个成员服务对用户隐私数据的需求超出用户愿意给予的范围时,Web服务组合需要能够进行调整,以保证隐私数据的暴露符合用户需求。本文基于服务演化的理论,提出一种基于用户隐私需求的服务演化方法,其核心内容在于通过控制隐私数据的引用范围来达到降低隐私暴露风险的目的。最后通过一个旅游代理的实例分析,验证了本文提出的演化方法的可行性。 In the Web services composition, users'privacy protection has been received widespread attention.When the require-ment for users'privacy data by one or more member services in the service composition is beyond the range of users'willing to give, Web services composition need to be adjusted to ensure that the expose of privacy data is meeting the demand of the users. In this paper, we propose a new method of service evolution, which is based on the users'privacy requirements.The key to this method is by controlling the scope of privacy data's references to achieve the purpose of reducing the risk of privacy exposure.Fi-nally, through a travel agency case study, the feasibility of the proposed evolutionary approach is verified.
出处 《计算机与现代化》 2014年第10期76-80,107,共6页 Computer and Modernization
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61272083) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金资助项目(56XAA12022)
关键词 WEB服务组合 服务演化 隐私保护 演化约束 变化策略 Web service composition service evolution privacy protection evolution constraints change strategy
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