
族群分裂与宗教冲突:欧洲多元文化主义面临严峻挑战 被引量:16

Split of Ethnic Group and Religious Conflict:Challenge to European Multiculturalism
摘要 多元文化主义是西方国家20世纪60年代以来面对多样性的族群、语言、文化和宗教的矛盾而实施的一项成功的社会政策。进入21世纪以来,由于穆斯林移民在欧洲,特别是西欧国家的迅速增长而导致的欧洲伊斯兰化的担忧加剧,国际上反恐政策诱发的欧洲国家,特别是西欧国家内的穆斯林族群与主流族群的分裂以及穆斯林移民的伊斯兰教文化与基督教文化的冲突,对当代欧洲多元文化主义政策构成了前所未有的严峻挑战。尽管西欧各国政要纷纷抨击并宣布放弃多元文化主义政策,但实际上,完全放弃多元文化主义、重新恢复到同化的单一社会政策已几无可能,新型的多元文化主义是实现欧洲国家族群和谐、宗教文化共荣的唯一路径。 Muhiculturalism is a successful social policy to cope with various conflicts of ethnic group, language, culture and religion in the West since 1960s. In 21st century, the rapid growth of Muslim immigrants into Europe, especially to west Europe leads to the worry of the Islamization of Europe. International anti-terrorism policy leads European countries, especially west European counties to face the challenge of the policy of muhiculturalism such as the split of Muslim ethnic group and mainstream group, conflict of Islamic culture of the Muslim immigrants and Christian culture. Although leaders of west European countries criticize and claim to abandon muhicuhuralism, virtually, it is impossible to abandon it or revive homogenous singular social policy. New muhiculturalism is the only path to achieve harmony of ethnic group and common prosperity of religious culture in Europe.
作者 宋全成
出处 《求是学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期185-191,共7页 Seeking Truth
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“宗教信仰与流动人口的社会融入研究”,项目编号:13JJD730002
关键词 多元文化主义 穆斯林族群 伊斯兰教文化 基督教文化 社会政策 muhiculturalism Muslim ethnic group Islamic culture Christian culture social policy
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