

Conceptual Design of a Layered Farming System for Marsupenaeus japonicus
摘要 日本囊对虾是中国重要的商业养殖物种之一,因其市场价格高而发展迅速。工厂化养殖被人们所考虑,然而随养殖密度增加,个体相对栖息空间变小,同类相残加剧,存活率降低,产量难以提高。借助于一种分层养殖系统可以有效解决该问题。设计了一种日本囊对虾室内分层养殖系统。该系统由层状体和托沙层两部分组成,层状体包括支架和横梁,托沙层由托沙盘排列而成,托沙盘底部铺沙放置于横梁上,可以将养殖池塘水体分隔成3~4层,实现扩大日本囊对虾的潜沙区域,相当于扩大养殖池塘的底面积。介绍了分层养殖系统设计的理念,并检验了该系统的养殖效果. Marsupenaeus japonicus is of major commercial importance and is a highly prized species considered as a boon to Chinese aquaculture. Super-intensive farming of M. japonicus is desirable, while it has a difficulty in maintaining the survival rate with increasing stocking densities. Specifically, as the individual habitat becomes smaller, cannibalism increases with higher death rates. This problem can be resolved by a layered farming system, consisting of a bracket and sand layers. A bracket was constructed with support and transom. The sand layers were created in sand boxes. This layered farming system allows the aquaculture water to be divided into 3-4 layers, which enlarges the shrimp habitat and reduces cannibalism. This paper described the design of a layered farming system, and tested the culture effect of this system.
出处 《生命科学研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期431-434,共4页 Life Science Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31101916) 山东省现代农业产业技术体系虾蟹类创新团队项目(SDAIT-15-011) 山东省自然科学基金项目(ZR2010CM060)~~
关键词 日本囊对虾 概念设计 分层养殖 Marsupenaeus japonicus conceptual design layered farming system
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