
当前美国在东南亚的军事存在探析 被引量:8

The Current Military Presence of USA in Southeast Asia
摘要 军事存在是美国在东南亚维护霸权的重要工具。美国2010年宣布重返亚洲以后,继续强化在该地区的军事影响力,并且在经济上推行跨太平洋伙伴关系,政治上推行人权价值观,这构成了美国"亚太再平衡"战略的主要内容。美国在东南亚地区的军事存在主要以四种方式进行,即驻扎军队和军事装备、举行多边和双边军事演习、资助东南亚各国军事人员赴美国培训、对东南亚国家实施军售军援。美国通过这些方式使多数东南亚国家在防务政策上倒向美国,也确保了美国在整个西太平洋地区的霸权地位。 USA regards its military presence in Southeast Asia as an important instrument to retain its hegemony in this region. With its declaration of being back to Asia in 2010, USA continues to enhance its military influence via different military activities in Southeast Asia, as well as initiating Trans-Paeifie Partnership in economies and advocating human rights in politics. And that has formed the dominating component of USA's strategy of rebalance to Asia. The actions which are taken by USA to preserve its military presence in this area are: to deploy military troops and facilities; to launch military exercises whether bilateral, trilateral or multilateral; financing military personnel of related states to get training in USA; and arms sale and assistance to these countries. With the aforementioned actions, USA has successfully led most of the Southeast Asian countries urgently relying on USA in terms of their respective defense policies. Thus, USA's hegemonic position in the West Pacific area is able to be secured.
作者 赵毅
出处 《东南亚研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期59-64,共6页 Southeast Asian Studies
关键词 美国 亚太再平衡 东南亚 军事存在 the United States of America Rebalance to Asia Southeast Asia Military Presence
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