
范式转移:从“民族体育”到“族群体育”——人类学的视角 被引量:6

Shift of Paradigm:From National Sport to Ethnic Sport——The Perspective of Anthropology
摘要 从"民族(传统)体育"研究所面临的困境出发,提出了从人类学中迁移概念和理论的构想。研究认为:西文语境中,"民族"主要用来表述"政治共同体",中文语境中广义的"民族"也主要为此意。中文语境中,狭义的"民族"是具有中国特色的名词,表达的是"文化-政治共同体";中西方虽然对于"族群"的理解不尽一致,但认为其是"人类文化共同体"已经达成一致。而对于那些与传统文化相关的,在特定地域、群体中进行的,能促进参与者文化认同的身体运动,本身并不包涵政治意味,用"族群体育"更具有国际视野,且因"族群认同"已经拥有成熟的理论,将有助于学界拓宽研究视野,弥补现有"民族(传统)体育"研究的不足,还有利于研究立场从"客位"到"主位"的转变。 This paper proposed that the problems facing the research on national sport can be approached by drawing on concepts and theories distilled from anthropology. In the western context, "nation" is used to describe "a political community'. In China, "Min Zu" is a culture-specific word in a narrow sense, conveying the meaning of "a political community sharing the same culture". Though the west and the east have different understanding of the word "ethnic", they both agree upon the meaning of the word being "cultural ethnicity". The phrase "ethnic sport" posits itself on a international level, for it does not cormote a political meaning. Therefore, it is suggested that researchers shall use this term to describe sports activities that are characterized by their relevance to culture preservation, their geologically-confined and community-based features and their effects in culture-recognition promotion. Given that there have already been fully-grown theories on the study of "ethnic identity,' , theories based on anthropology will expand this research domain, filling the research gap.
作者 杨海晨 王斌
出处 《武汉体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第11期11-17,66,共8页 Journal of Wuhan Sports University
基金 2011年度国家社会科学基金青年项目"广西红水河流域农村族群体育活动的体育人类学审视"(11CTY022) 广西高等学校优秀中青年骨干教师培养工程第一期资助计划
关键词 民族 族群 民族体育 族群体育 人类学 nationality ethnicity national sport ethnic sport anthropology
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