
CAS处理单方延期选择权条款效力争议研究 被引量:4

Dispute Resolution of Validity of Unilateral Extension Option Clauses by CAS
摘要 国际体育仲裁院处理单方延期选择权条款效力争议需要面临管辖权的确立、实体法律适用以及案件事实认定三大问题。首先,由于国际足联接受了国际体育仲裁院的上诉条款,从而使之能够对经国际足联处理的单方延期选择权条款争议进行管辖。此种管辖须以国际领域为限,但范围常作扩大解释;其次,无论是基于《与体育相关的仲裁规则》还是《国际足联章程》的规定,所达到的法律适用结果都最终需要通过公共秩序保留和直接适用的法予以修正;最后,在这一过程中,具体案情与体育公共政策的相容性构成选用何种法律适用条款及是否承认单方延期选择权条款的关键因素。此种独特的实体法律适用和事实认定作法是由体育行业纠纷的特别性质造成,应引起必要的重视。 When dealing with the disputes about validity of unilateral extension option clauses, CAS is faced with three major problems about establishing jurisdiction over the dispute, applying law to the merits and identifying the facts of case. Firstly, since FIFA has accepted the appeal provisions of CAS, CAS is able to have jurisdiction over the disputes about validity of unilateral extension option clauses dealt with by FIFA. Such jurisdiction shall be limited to the international dimension, but its scope is often expanded by interpretation; Secondly, whether it is based on the provisions of Code of Sports-reLated Arbitration or the FIFA Statutes, the final result of a case needs to he amended by the reservation of pub- lic order and regles d'application immediate. Finally, during this process, the compatibility of the specific situation of a case with public policy constitutes the key factor to select which kind of provisions on applicabIe Iaw and whether to recognize the validity of unilateral extension option clauses or not. The unique way of law applicable to the merits and approach of fact-finding are caused by the special nature of the disputes of the sports, which should attracts attention.
作者 董金鑫
出处 《武汉体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第11期40-44,共5页 Journal of Wuhan Sports University
基金 国家社科基金项目"国际体育仲裁程序机制专题研究"(11CFX076)
关键词 国际体育仲裁院 单方延期选择权条款 《与体育相关的仲裁规则》 《国际足联章程》 直接适用的法 公共秩序保留 CAS Unilateral Extension Option Clause Code of Sports-related Arbitration FIFA Statutes regles d'application immediate reservation of public order
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