目的:分析鉴定中国人群的虾、蟹致敏组分,确定主要过敏原及其致敏率,为深入研究食物过敏原检测及脱敏治疗提供依据。方法:通过46份虾蟹过敏症患者血清,对刀额新对虾、罗氏沼虾和锈斑鲟的蛋白粗提液进行Western blot分析,统计数据得出其全部过敏原组分及其致敏率,并确定主要过敏原。结果:Western blot结果显示,虾与过敏患者血清IgE的反应强于蟹,且虾、蟹间存在很多Mr相同的过敏原;32~38 kD原肌球蛋白(TM)、40 kD精氨酸激酶(AK)、60~80 kD血蓝蛋白(Hc)和21 kD肌质钙结合蛋白(SCP)是虾的主要致敏组分,TM、AK和Hc是虾、蟹共同的主要过敏原,其中TM的致敏率最高;与国外研究结果相比,AK、Hc和SCP的致敏率相对较高,且发现虾中48 kD蛋白组分(未知过敏原)也具有较高致敏率。结论:对中国人群而言,虾的致敏性强于蟹,且虾、蟹的主要致敏组分基本相同;中国人的虾蟹主要致敏组分及其致敏率与国外研究大致相同但略有差异;发现一种潜在的新型过敏原。
Objective:To identify the allergens which can react with Chinese allergic patients in shrimp and crab,and analysis their reaction-rates. This results would provide foundation for further research on allergen-detection and desensitization therapy. Methods: Allergen components in Metapenaeus ensis,Macrobrachium rosenbergii and Charybdis feriata by using 46 portions of shrimp(crab) allergic patients' serum IgE in Western blot. Results: The reactions between shrimps and allergic patients' serum IgE were stronger than that between crab and serum. 32-38 kD Tropomysin( TM),40 kD Arginine kinase( AK),60-80 kD Hemocyanin(Hc) and 21 kD arcoplasmic calcium-binding protein(SCP) were the major allergens in shrimps. TM,AK and Hc were common major allergens among shrimps and crab and TM shared the highest reaction-rate. Compare to the results of some from American researchers,AK,Hc and SCP have higher reaction-rate when react with Chinese patients serum,and we also found a new allergen in shrimp. Conclusion: For Chinese patients,shrimps have higher reaction-rate than crabs and the allergens among shrimps and crabs which are roughly same. There are some differences in allergens among different human races. A new allergen with 48 kD was found in this research.
Chinese Journal of Immunology