
基于嵌入式的微型心电心音监测装置的设计 被引量:2

Miniature ECG and heart sounds monitoring device based on embedded
摘要 通过对心电和心音两种信号的理论分析,提出了用一套装置来监测两种信号的方法。该装置以TI公司的ADS1294四通道ADC为模拟前端,以MSP430为控制器,以蓝牙为无线收发模块,以Android手机和PC为显示终端,通过选择这些集成度高的模块,最大限度地减小了装置的体积。然后,通过软件设计分别对心电和心音信号中的噪声和干扰进行了处理并实现了两种监测方式的顺利切换。另外,通过对装置硬件和软件的综合考量降低了装置的功耗,完成了装置的实物设计并获得了良好的实测波形。 Through theoretically analyzing the similarities and differences between the two signals of ECG and heart sounds,it presented with a device to monitor two kinds of signals above.The device used a four-channel ADC ADS1294 as its analog front end,MSP430 as the controller,a Bluetooth as the wireless transceiver module and a Android phones and PC as the display terminal.By selecting these highly integrated modules it could minimize the volume of the device.Then,it could process the noise and interference of ECG and heart sound signal and achieved a smooth handover of the two monitoring methods,respectively,through the software design.In addition,by means of integrated hardware and software considerations it could reduce power consumption of the device.At last it completed the design and gets a good waveform from device.
出处 《电子设计工程》 2014年第19期156-159,共4页 Electronic Design Engineering
关键词 心电图 心音 嵌入式 低功耗 MSP430 ECG heart sounds embedded low power consumption MSP430
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