
关于图的G-超幻覆盖 被引量:1

On the G-supermagic Coverings of Graphs
摘要 图的幻覆盖是幻方、图标号与图覆盖三个分支的完美结合.I(G,H,m)和m⊙G分别表示m个与G同构并且它们具有公共子图H的图和m个与G同构的图的点不交并组成的图.完全解决了I(G,H,m)和m⊙G的G-超幻覆盖问题.当0≤d≤5时给出了[1,mk]存在(m,d)-分拆和[1,mk+1]\{x}存在(m,0)-分拆的充要条件. Let Gi≈ G and H be a subgraph of Gi, i ∈ [1, m]. In this paper, the Gsupermagic problems of the graph I(G, H,m) formed by taking of all the Gi's and identifying their subgraph H and the graph m ⊙ G formed by the vertices disjoint union of rn copies of G are completely settled. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of (m, g)-partition of [1, mk] when 0 ≤d ≤ 5 and (m, 0)-partition of [1, mk+ 1] / {x} are obtained.
作者 梁志和
出处 《应用数学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期857-864,共8页 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica
基金 河北省自然科学基金(A2014205027) 河北师范大学2012年度教师教育改革专项基金资助项目
关键词 图I(G H m) 图m⊙G G-超幻覆盖 G-超幻标号 集合的分拆 graph I(G, H, m) m ⊙) G G-supermagic covering G-supermagic labelling partition of set
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