

The Correlation of temperament to emotional intelligence of nursing students
摘要 目的探究中职护生的气质类型和情绪智力的关系。方法采用气质量表和情绪智力量表对397名中职护生进行调查。结果不同气质类型的情绪智力有显著差异(F=3.27,P<0.001)。其中多血质的情绪智力得分最高,黏液质次之,而胆-抑气质的情绪智力得分最低;胆汁质与情绪智力呈显著正相关(r=0.109,P<0.05),多血质和黏液质与情绪智力呈显著正相关(r=0.247,0.162,P<0.01);气质类型中多血质和黏液质对情绪智力具有显著的正向预测作用(β=0.233,0.215,P<0.001),抑郁质对情绪智力具有显著的负向预测作用(β=-0.117,P<0.05)。结论气质类型与情绪智力存在一定的相关。 Objective To explore the relationship between temperament and emotional intelligence of nursing students.Method Chen Huichang temperament inventory and Wong and Law emotional intelligence scale(WLEIS) were employed to assess the temperament and emotional intelligence of 397 nursing students. Findings There were significant differences in emotional intelligence among different types of temperament( F = 3. 27,P〈 0. 001). The score of sanguineous temperament was the highest, followed by the score of mucoid substance, while the score of bilious-melancholic temperament was the lowest. There was a significant positive correlation between bilious and emotional intelligence( r =0. 109,P〈 0. 05),sanguineous and emotional intelligence( r = 0. 247,P〈 0. 01),mucoid substance and emotional intelligence(r = 0. 162,P〈 0. 01). Sanguineous and mucoid substance can significantly and positively predict emotional intelligence(β = 0. 233,0. 215,P〈 0. 001). Melancholic temperament can significantly yet negatively predict emotional intelligence(β =- 0. 117,P〈 0. 05). Conclusion There was a significant positive correlation between temperament and emotional intelligence.
作者 赵君英
出处 《健康研究》 CAS 2014年第5期531-533,共3页 Health Research
关键词 气质类型 情绪智力 中职 护生 type of temperament emotional intelligent vocational education nursing students
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