
经腹腹膜前腹股沟疝修补术618例 被引量:4

Laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal inguinal hernia repair: a report of 618 cases
摘要 目的:总结经腹腹膜前腹股沟疝修补术的临床经验。方法回顾性分析2011年10月至2014年1月,昆明医科大学第一附属医院运用腹腔镜行经腹腹膜前腹股沟疝修补术618例,其中包括双侧132例,无合并症及同步手术。随访4-48个月(中位时间16个月)。结果所有手术全部成功,主要并发症有血清肿或积液6.8%,尿潴留5.3%,异物感或不适感3.2%,436例随访时间>12个月,术后3个月无复发,远期复发3例(侧),总复发率0.485%(3/618)。结论经腹腹膜前腹股沟疝修补术治疗腹股沟疝是安全可行的,术后并发症及复发率等较传统开放手术有优势。 Objective To analyze and summarize the clinical experience of laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP)inguinal hernia repair.Methods A total of 61 8 patients (including 1 32 cases of bilateral hernias)received TAPP in Kunming Medical University First Affiliated Hospital were retroactively collected in this study,no comorbidities and synchronous operation existed.Evaluating the efficacy after a median follow-up period of 16 months (range 4 to 48 months).Results All cases were operated successfully.At minimum of 4 months follow-up,seroma (6.8%),urine retention (5.3%),body foreign sensations or discomfort (3.2%)were the major complications.436 cases were followed up more than〉12 months.During the follow-up,we found no short-term recurrence,and long-term recurrence occurred in three;the overall recurrence rate was 0.485% (3/618).Conclusion TAPP is a safe and effective procedure for inguinal hernia,with acceptable recurrence and complication rates.
出处 《中华疝和腹壁外科杂志(电子版)》 2014年第5期11-13,共3页 Chinese Journal of Hernia and Abdominal Wall Surgery(Electronic Edition)
基金 云南省教育厅基金(2010Y170)
关键词 腹股沟 疝修补术 腹腔镜 手术后并发症 复发 Hernia,inguinal Herniorrhaphy Laparoscopes Postoperative complications Recurrence
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