
跨太平洋伙伴关系协议与美国贸易保护的新路径 被引量:3

Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement and New American Protectionism
摘要 从贸易限制的视角,依据国际关系中的现实主义和自由主义理论,提出两大核心假设:构建中的TPP条款为因变量,成文后的TPP条款为自变量,二者皆为美国贸易保护提供了新路径。选取核心议题里的知识产权、竞争政策、劳工和环境规则,水平与交叉议题上的监管一致议题作为主要研究对象,分析作为因变量的TPP条款提供贸易保护的方法,它们分别是:白金标准、体系竞争、主协议条款且有争端解决机制、监管机制规则。尝试用中美两国在WTO发生的贸易摩擦案例分析并预测作为自变量的TPP条款对于中美贸易的影响,预期未来中美两国在服务贸易领域以及新议题领域摩擦加剧,美国在TPP制定的贸易规则对我国贸易方式影响深远。 The arguments of Liberal and Realistic institutionalism provide paths for American protectionism in the Trans - Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP). From the point of realism, the articles of TPP now under negotiation are dependent variables for American protectionism and the written articles of TPP are independent variables. The authors of the present paper have selected some issues under negotiation to analyze their relationship with American protectionism. Most of them are connected with unfair trade or protecting American jobs. And they have analyzed the possible trade frictions between China and America if TPP is implemented.
出处 《山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2014年第5期98-111,共14页 Journal of Shandong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 跨太平洋伙伴关系协议 美国贸易保护 国际机制 中美贸易摩擦 Trans -Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) American protectionism international regime Sino -U. S. trade frictions
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