The market reform of China's urban public bus transportation service has been in trouble for the past several years.The market has failed to meet efficiency,equity,and voice criteria.The local urban governments have increased their roles in public bus transportation markets to deliver public bus service.This paper focuses on the collaboration among local urban governments,operators,and citizens.The main problems needed to be solved are how to collaborate among the three actors,how to increase performance of operators,how to regulate the operators,and how to increase local governments‘ responsibilities and citizens’ roles.To improve public bus service pedormance,one needs to arrange a governance structure for these three actors.Under this condition,this paper uses the principle-agency method to construct a benefit model of public bus service,which explains the allocation of control right and its influence on benefit.This model can help obtain optimum control right,an optimum effort level,and the optimum of public bus service benefit.The model is further tested with the data of Shanghai bus service.The data was collected by email and interview in 2012.Firstly,the results show that the relationship between operators' control right and their output level is positive,which means control rights will be stronger if an operator's output level is higher.So,it is necessary to choose good enterprises by competitive tendering process.Secondly,the relationship between operator's control right and public bus service benefit is an "inverted U" type.When the operator's control right is limited in a certain range,it could encourage the improvement of public bus service benefit.When it passes the critical point,the operator's control right would decrease the public bus service benefit.Thirdly,when the control rights of the three actors are in their ranges,the relationship between output level and public bus service benefit is an "inverted U" type.Therefore,when the output level is in a limit range it can improve the benefit of public bus service The control rights of the three actors are important to the benefit of public bus service.The allocation of control rights is different at strategic level,tactical level,and operational level.During the collaboration period,it is necessary to arrange the control rights of the actors in a suitable range to achieve the optimum benefit.
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
public bus service
cooperation governance
control right