Objective: inquiry into reasons To explore the causes of why college students' failing in physical examination test especially fainting during acupuncture treatmentblood sampling,and discuss the relevant preventive measures that should be taken. Methods: drawing analysis from 11 cases of failed blood samplinga cupuncture treatment due to failtingfainting were retrospectively analyzed,. we propose the The following measures were proposed to be adopted: painless blood collection techiquestechniques should be applied in order to improve the succession rate; psychological care Heart care methods should be applied; taking appropriate posture for blood sampling; do more work on propaganda for the test to take appropriate postural blood to enable blood circulate well in entire body. Results: significantly reduce the The incidence of blood fainting during blood sampling was significantly reduced. Conclusion: Comparing the Ttwo sets of contrasts data research is discover,we found that fainting during blood sampling can be significantly reduced by adopting the whole processeses of blood in the vein,pass a publicitypropaganda work,psychological caremental nursing and adopt to have no pain technique to decrease the acupuncture syncope with obvious effect.
Journal of Qiannan Medical College for Nationalities
university student's physical examination
venous draw blooding