

Traumatic Writing of Mr.Sammler's Planet
摘要 索尔·贝娄作品里的大屠杀书写一直是创伤理论关注的热点。《塞姆勒先生的行星》以塞姆勒先生的视角见证了犹太人惨遭屠戮的真相。小说通过他恐惧地铁、坟墓等与大屠杀相关的意象,讲述了大屠杀对其受害者和见证者塞姆勒先生的精神戕害。大屠杀被历史湮没,其原因不仅在于德国纳粹法西斯当年的层层封锁和控制,还在于受害者和犹太人自身对该事件保持沉默。避免大屠杀悲剧再次发生既需要克服以暴制暴,又需要宽恕之心。医治受害者的创伤虽然有很多方法,但重建受害者的价值观尤为重要。 The description of the Holocaust in the works of Saul Bellow is always a hot topic of trauma theory.Mr. Sammler's Planet described the truth about the slaughtered Jews from Mr. Sammler's perspective. Through Mr. Sammler's fearing of the subway,the grave,and other images associated with the Holocaust,the novel tells about the traumatic story of Mr. Sammler as the holocaustal victim and witness. The reason why the holocaust was kept unknown to the world for a long time is not only German Nazi fascist's blocking and controlling of the news in those days,but also these victims and the Jews' keeping quiet about the event. In order to avoid the holocaustal tragedy,people need to get rid of the mentality of meeting violence with violence,and also they need forgiveness. Although there are a lot of ways to heal the victims,rebuilding their values is perhaps one of the most important methods.
作者 宁宝剑
出处 《宜宾学院学报》 2014年第7期79-85,124,共8页 Journal of Yibin University
基金 2013年湖南省研究生科研创新基金项目(CX2013B192)
关键词 《塞姆勒先生的行星》 见证创伤 创伤的幽灵 医治创伤 Mr.Sammler's Planet witness to trauma the spectre of trauma healing trauma
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