
IMF份额与治理改革方案的法律思考 被引量:2

Legal Consideration of IMF Quota and Governance Reform
摘要 2008年全球金融危机横行肆虐,危机救援急需之际,世界再次将目光聚焦到国际货币基金组织。基金组织所固有的法律缺陷,使其合法有效性日益遭到质疑,改革势在必行。金融危机在沉重打击全球经济的同时,也推动了全球治理模式和经济格局的转变,为基金组织法律改革提供了难得契机。2010年份额和治理改革方案在此背景下应运而生,该方案增加了份额总量,做出了利于发展中国家的份额调整,完善了治理模式。然而,方案受阻于美国国会无法按期生效,方案内容设计上也存在诸多不足。在未来,各国应协力推动方案在2014年底生效,并通过提升份额总量、修改份额公式、改革决策机构、完善治理模式等方式深化改革,确保基金组织的合法有效性,使其更好地为世界经济服务。 After the global financial crisis, the IMF once again became the focus of the world's concern. The inherent legal deficiencies make the legitimacy and effectiveness of the Fund increasingly questioned by the international community, and reform is no doubt under way. The financial crisis was indeed a hard hit to the global economy, but it promoted the transformation of the global governance model as well as the economic pattern, which provided a rare reform opportunity for the Fund. The IMF Quota and Governance Reform emerged as the times required. The 2010 reforms in- creased the size of the overall quota, realigned the quota share to better reflect the interest of developing countries, and improved the government model. Nevertheless, the IMF reform package was balked by the US Congress again, which means it cannot come into force on schedule. What is more, the reform package itself has some defects as well. In the future, states shall join forces to promote the 2010 reforms going into effect at the end of 2014, and will maintain the Fund's effectiveness and legitimacy by increasing the overall quota, modifying the quota formula, reforming the board, improving the governance model, etc. , thus enabling the IMF to offer better services to the world economy.
作者 李菁
出处 《时代法学》 2014年第5期114-120,F0003,共8页 Presentday Law Science
关键词 国际货币基金组织 2010年份额和治理改革方案 改革困境 改革展望 international monetary fund 2010 IMF quota and governance reform dilemma of the reform prospects for the reform
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